I’ve tried writing this blog numerous times. Each time my fingers touched the keyboard, it’s been interrupted by a flare – a flare so painful, even extra-strong medication barely took the edge of it. A flare caused by stage four endometriosis.
Read moreLove, here and now
Waking up to a stark reminder: soon another Valentine’s Day without a partner by your side, on a daily basis.
Read moreWhat A Nice Lady…
And there you have it - elderly, olderly, what the hellery- ageing. Properly ageing. Walking alone (with a stick, as do I) tip - tapping your doddery self along life’s High Street.
Read moreEmbracing life, one step at a time: On the challenges and new strengths of reaching “acceptance”
Not having children is a life-long challenge, but we become stronger, wiser, and better able to take care of ourselves as we go along.
Read moreNo Room At The Inn For People Without Children
I see you sitting at home muting the rolling TV ads of ridiculously happy, rambunctious, multi-generational families hilariously solving some Christmas dilemma in under two minutes.
Read moreNavigating the Holidays: Reflection, Grief, and Grace for the Childless Community
As the festive season approaches, many in our community find themselves bracing for the emotional complexities this time of year can bring.
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