Whilst we all share the same grief of childlessness, we each have a different story to tell of how we arrived here: the struggles to conceive, the sadness of not meeting a partner, the tough choices that broke our hearts, the circumstances that prevented and blocked our chance to be a parent. The confusion of emotions that left us grieving, the feelings of being misunderstood that made us withdraw from the world.

This is your opportunity to share your story.

How often do we consider the emotional toll on the counsellors, therapists and life coaches as they listen to our stories? This discussion will cover the challenges therapists face dealing with their own emotions and healing whilst supporting others and encountering new triggers. Join Cristina Archetti, Jody Day, Katie Maynard and Meriel Whale as they share their knowledge in the hope it will help you.

Lists of therapists: World Childless Week, Gateway Women