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Write to Heal

In the Write to Heal workshop, we will be exploring using Writing as a way of healing from trauma, grief and loss. The workshop starts with a meditation to access the inner part of you - I call it the soul or inner self. From this deeper part of you, the words come through. There will be writing time to allow them out and also prompts to help this. We will end with a grounding and sharing (if you wish to, there is no requirement to share). 

Date: Saturday 22nd June

Time: 4-6.30pm BST (find your timezone HERE

Cost: £35 (£20 concessions - concessions are regular meditation students, and those not currently working)

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Bindi Shah

I began these workshops for childless not by choice, as writing was a huge part of my healing journey. When I was in the depth of my childless grief, I wrote words which later became poetry - often waking up in the middle of the night and simply writing and writing. I later realised that this writing was my healing - it was a way of allowing my emotions out. I would love to help you access that part of yourself, and allow your words out for healing. I run these workshops throughout the year. 


I really valued and enjoyed this workshop for many reasons. It was safe, held space to explore emotions that aren't always easy to express or feel. The meditation allowed me to really see what was important and what I needed to express at that time. The writing prompts were really helpful to support this and inspire different writing. I felt like there was a good balance of meditation, writing and feedback. I really enjoyed knowing that there were other women sharing in the same experience, and it helped motivation for the writing. 

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