World Childless Week, 15-21 Sept 2025

World Childless Week aims to raise awareness of the childless not by choice (cnbc) community and enable every childless person to share their story with confidence. It's for anyone who is childless despite their longing to be a parent because they have never been pregnant (for any reason), not carried full term or have suffered the sadness of a baby born sleeping. World Childless Week is here to support those who have felt the heartbreak of knowing they will be childless for life.

We are here for you through the year, we get louder in September

Stephanie Joy Phillips

Winner of the BBC Hereford and Worcester Make A Difference ‘Together Award’ 2023

Stephanie Joy Phillips (she/her)

World Childless Week, Founder

Being childless not by choice (cnbc) is the taboo subject of an unrecognised minority. World Childless Week is there to help the cnbc: validate their emotions, find support, build friendships, realise their own worth and rediscover the confidence to speak out and celebrate themselves as a unique individual. 

Alongside supporting the childless community World Childless Week hopes to reach out and work towards building bridges between the childless, childfree and parents; raising empathy and removing the stigma of disenfranchised grief.  

“A large part of my twenties was spent in an abusive relationship so I took the contraceptive pill to prevent a children being born into that situation. In my early thirties I met my husband to be but we didn’t try to conceive until I was nearing forty. At the age of 39 we were told “if he manages to get you pregnant it is highly unlikely you’ll carry full term”. I knew in that moment, I would never be a mum”.

World Childless Week Champions 2024/25

World Childless Week Champions are people who are making a positive difference for the childless community; be it support for one individual or an act that benefits us all. They may have an empathetic ear, be generous of spirit, have rugged determination to create positive change, or be virtuous in all that they do.

The People’s Champion is nominated by the community and holds special recognition.

World Childless Week Ambassadors

Our World Childless Week Ambassadors are the voices who lead by example and join us by invitation. They are strong and generous advocates who are selfless in supporting the childless not by choice community. They each have a story to tell and alongside Steph are committed to helping World Childless Week become a globally recognised campaign that will impact in our community and outside it too. 



Please note the resources and material provided on this website is for information only and World Childless Week cannot guarantee there are no mistakes or errors. World Childless Week cannot vouch for the services, products or treatments provided by anyone mentioned on the website. Should you act upon any of the information provided on this website, you do so at your own risk.